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Higher Education Vs. Gap Year

Writer: Almeera EmanAlmeera Eman

Updated: May 20, 2022

Choosing between higher education or taking a gap year can be SUPER challenging. It’s a BIG decision. Not because it will define how successful or happy you will be, or that it will set you on a one-way superhighway to your future, but because it’s a big investment of time and money.

Intentional, careful thought is a MUST before making a decision.

Unfortunately, there is no checklist or magical potion that will help you find your answer. But, to support you in your decision making, we have listed some questions you should be asking yourself and the factors that should weigh into your decision.

As you read this blog, grab a pen and paper and do some soul searching and deep thinking about the answers.

Remember: the more effort you put in, the more clear the answer will become.

Questions to ask yourself about your post-secondary decision:

  • Am I excited about starting higher education next year? Can I commit to two, four, or even 15 (!!) more years of school right now?

  • What would I study at school, and most importantly, why?

  • What would I do during my gap year and why?

  • What is stopping me from going into higher education? What is stopping me from taking a gap year? Are these good reasons for not pursuing that path?

  • Do I have my parent’s support for my decision? (Psst! Check out this episode that dives deeper into how to start that conversation with your parents:

These questions are a great start to give you a high-level understanding of your options and goals for life after high school.

AND, to top it off, you can download our free Post Secondary Decision Making Exercise to take this journey to the next level.

In the end, you have to learn to do your research, learn to reflect on your “why”, check in with your support networks and then confidently make your bold decision.

Remember that no decision is a life-sentence. Life is a constant multi-path, multi-pronged, twisty-turny, u-turn path and you can make the best decision for yourself given the information that you have available to you.

There is no wrong decision, but there is also no right decision. Mic Drop.

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